[Aphio-L] Census Awareness! EASY SERVICE! LAST CHANCE!

Brick, Sara sb309106 at ohio.edu
Wed Feb 24 15:14:40 EST 2010

Hey guys, the committee running the census awareness program wanted to check-in again and see if anyone else is willing to present census awareness information to their classes. THIS IS EASY SERVICE! please sign up. the information is below... Also, this is the last chance to do this! Information needs to be in by friday!!

Hi all,

I'm sending a follow-up email to the presentation I gave to your AphiO chapter meeting about the US Census.  Although the training sessions have already occurred, I am giving everyone another chance to participate and get some EASY service hours.

What this entails is asking your professors if you can make a 2-3 minute presentation prior to class about the Census.  I have attached a cheat sheet/script that you can use.  You can just read that off or refer to it during your presentation - the script says everything you need to know!

If you do decide to give presentations and get these easy community service hours, you need to email Rachel at Rachel.Zieleniec at gmail.com<mailto:Rachel.Zieleniec at gmail.com> with the professor's name, the name of the class and the number of people enrolled (which can be found on the course offerings web page if you do not know it) following your presentation.

These presentations need to be done by February 28, which is two weeks from now.

If you have any questions, please email me at Rachel.Zieleniec at gmail.com<mailto:Rachel.Zieleniec at gmail.com>.

Thanks so much,

Rachel Zieleniec
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