[Aphio-L] Bromley Kids

bs239006 at ohio.edu bs239006 at ohio.edu
Tue Feb 3 10:27:49 EST 2009

Hey all you Brom kids! (and if your not a Brom kid you don't even have to
continue reading... unless you want to and then by all means please do)

I had this brilliant idea that we could hold a Bromley Hall signature party
since there are a lot of us that live in Brom and quite a few pledges here too. 
I was hoping that I could get everyone's availability for an evening next week.
That way I can also compile a list the names of everyone participating and then
the pledges won't come here to only find they already have all these sigs.

Sooo..send me your availability for next week in the evening and we can get this
partay together.

P.S. totally invite actives that don't live in Brom so we can have as many
people here for these pledges as possible because we all remember how
frustrating it can be to track people down.

Thanks bros!!

Blair :)

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