[Advert-L] New York Meeting TONIGHT! (No Exec)

Lasko, Emily el261708 at ohio.edu
Mon Nov 8 14:46:14 EST 2010

 Hey Ad Club!

Okay, sorry for all the emails today, but this is for EVERYONE going to New York! TONIGHT, Monday Nov. 8th, at 6 p.m. there will be a meeting for everyone going on the trip.  This is only for those going on the New York trip so Candace can finalize all the details so you all are good to go.  The meeting will be outside of Scripps in the amphitheater.

This means that there is NO EXEC meeting for all you exec.  So New York goers - be there tonight at 6!

Have an awesome trip to everyone that is going to the big apple and have a great break!


Emily Lasko
Advertising Management Student
E.W. Scripps School of Journalism

Member Relations Chair
Ohio University Advertising Association
5th District AAF
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